In this feature, you have the ability to assess student attendance according to your chosen criteria.

To set up a personalized search, you have the option to tailor it according to specific criteria such as Class[1], Section[2], and attendance Date [3].
Once you have chosen the desired fields, simply click on the SEARCH[4] button.

Once you click on the “Search” button, the student attendance sheet will be displayed. The administrator and individuals with the appropriate permissions can indicate the attendance status of students as Present, Late, Absent, or Half day using this sheet. Additionally, you have the option to include any notes in the designated “NOTE” section.

Now, to save all the information, click on Save Attendance.
How to make a specific date a holiday #
Click “Mark Holiday” to designate a particular date as a holiday.

How to import attendance #
You can also import attendance by clicking on Import Attendance.

After clicking on Import Attendance, the system will take you to another page.

You can download a sample Excel file on that page by clicking Download Sample File.

Please complete the Field with the attendance details you need and import the attendance data into the system.
You can do this by choosing the necessary criteria, including the Class [1], Section [2], Attendance Date [3], and uploading the attendance information in either EXCEL or CSV format [4].
Once you have selected all the criteria, simply click on the “Import Attendance” button [5] to initiate the importing process.